Does Genesis 6:4 teach that women had sexual relations with Angels and bore Nephilims?
Alice Mackle asks: I was in a Bible study, and the Pastor was teaching that the women in Genesis 6:4 had sexual relations with Angels and bore Nephilims. First time I hear that. Does Genesis 6:4 teach that? Were these Nepilims half human half demon?
Thanks for the question Alice.
Genesis does not teach that at all. The notion that demons can “produce” bodies and have sex with women would cause quite a few contradictions within the Bible. Jesus assured his disciples that “a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have” (Luke 24:39). Therefore, if a demon could produce flesh and bones, Jesus’ argument would be both flawed and misleading. In fact, if that were the case we could logically argue that the disciples did not see the resurrection appearances of Christ but rather a demon pretending to be the resurrected Christ.
Furthermore, demons are non-physical beings that are incapable of having sexual relations and producing physical offspring. To say that demons can create sperm and create life, is to say that demons have creative power (something the Bible attributes only to God as the giver of life). Also, if demons could have sex with women in ancient times, we would have no assurance they could not do so in today's times. Thus, we would continue to have problems with Nephilims today. Also, while the Bible supports the fact that fallen angels can possess unsaved people, it does not support the notion that a demon-possessed person can produce a half demon, half human mutant. Genesis 1, makes it clear that all of God's creation is designed to reproduce “according to their own kinds".
Finally, this notion of half human, half demon giants creates a major problem to Gods' redemption plan. According to scripture, fallen angels are offered no plan of redemption (2 Peter 2:4). Humans however, are redeemed through Jesus Christ (Romans 5:18-19). Therefore, we would have no biblical way of determining whether or not these demon/humans could or could not obtain salvation.
In BRC, we hold that the proper interpretation is that the “sons of God” is in reference to the godly descendants of Seth, and “daughters of men” in reference to the ungodly descendants of Cain. Their continuous sinful union caused humanity to fall into such depravity that God said: “I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth—men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air—for I am grieved that I have made them. But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord” (Genesis 6:7–8).
One final thought. In the Bible, we are given all the laws that we were to follow in order to be justified in God's eyes. We are also told everything that we aren't supposed to do. Everything from men not allowed to sleep with men, to men not allowed to sleep with animals, to not murdering, to not using the Lord's name in vain. Yet, we are never told that we should or should not sleep with angels nor fallen angels. The common sense argument would be, that it was never an issue.
Hope this help. Be blessed.
Angelo Reyes: I saw a picture online that shows archeologists digging up Gigantic bones. The archeologists looked like specs in comparison. These giants were as big as we are told in the book of Enoch. So how do you explain that?
BRC Hosts Joey and Chris: The pictures you speak of were doctored and continuously seem to resurface every few years. Our advise is that you search the many legit charts of findings of the Giant skeletons that have been found and recorded throughout history, typically 6-8 feet in height. Also the book of Enoch has been regarded as a pseudo (fake) book by the vast majority of scholars.
Angelo Reyes: Oh, I've never heard that the book of Enoch was a fake, but I guess it's in the same category as the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Judah.
BRC Hosts Joey and Chris: Yes, and many others.
Alice Mackle: I was wondering because there seems to be an entire theological system surrounding that one single verse. Guess people just want to be known for teaching and bringing new things. God bless you guys, and thanks for the book! I tried getting one for my cousin but can't find it.
BRC Hosts Joey and Chris: God bless you as well Alice. We decided to pull the book to add more information. We will re-stock Amazon once we add some of our new material. Thanks for the support.
Jason Alvarez: I agree. It was never an issue. Keep up the good work guys.
BRC Hosts Joey and Chris: Thanks Jason. Be blessed.
Luke 24:39
“a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have”
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