Is Creation the only possibility for the Earth's existence?
Ted Evans asks: I come from an atheist family, and just recently decided to start going to church. Your answers have helped me a whole lot, so thank you for that. My question is, is creation the only possibility for the Earth's existence?
Hi Ted. Thanks for giving us a chance clarify questions of this nature.
Here at BRC, we hold that operational science goes along with the Bible. However, theoretical science used as facts, is what typically cause problems between Christianity and the Atheist community.
When we look at Cosmology, we typically run into three views.
1. The universe sprang into existence from absolutely nothingness. This view fails common sense, as well as the very laws of physics (which atheists claim to follow). This view actually takes more faith to accept, than to believe in Christianity as a whole.
2. The universe eternally existed. This hypothesis is destroyed by the law of entropy. A universe that has existed eternally would have died of heat loss an eternity ago.
3. The universe is an illusion. This view carries no scientific weight and is denounced heavily by the scientific community. We don't live in the Matrix.
While these views are the most popular, there are more that tend to spring up from time to time, as they become more comical. For instance, physicist Steven Hawkins, pushed the belief of the possibility of a "Multiverse". These types of theories do not carry a single trace of evidence. Instead, it produces incredible movies like "Spider-Man, Into the Spider-verse (Marvel's multiverse view).
Lastly, Common sense and the science behind the complexity if things, point to intelligent design. In other words, the understanding that everything came from an intelligent source, is what is found in the pages of scripture.
Genesis 1:1 - the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Hebrew 11:3 - By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.
Colossians 1:16 - For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.
Hope this points you in the right direction. God bless you.
Ted Evans: Thank you so much for that answer. Love what you guys are doing to help people like me. God bless you.
BRC Hosts Joey and Chris: Any time brother. Thanks for trusting us with your question. God bless you as well.
Michelle Grant: You guys are so helpful. I was just talking to my atheist co-worker and wish I would have read this post first. Thanks for what you do!
BRC Hosts Joey and Chris: Thank Michelle, and God bless you.
Ronald King: Nice answer. Love how you guys hit the nail on the head on this one.
BRC Hosts Joey and Chris: Thanks for reading Ronald. God Bless you.
Genesis 1:1
-"the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
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