Is the Quran credible?
Curtis Green asks: Being the top two religions, how does the Quran compare to the Bible? Is the Quran credible?
Hey, God bless Cutis,
Thanks for the question. When it comes to the Quran and the Bible, they are completely opposite to each other. While the Bible has proven to be divine rather than human in origin, the same cannot be said about the Quran. Instead, the Quran is packed with faulty morals and factual errors.
First, we'll touch on the origin of divinity. The Bible has endlessly proven its divine origin by way of accurate prophesies that could not have been fulfilled by guessing, chance, or deceit. For example, we know Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. Thus, we know Jesus could not deliberately fulfill some of these prophesies listed below, as some things were simply uncontrollable, such as; his descent from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Genesis 12:3; 17:19; Matthew 1:1–2; Acts 3:25); his birth in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1–6); his crucifixion with criminals (Isaiah 53:12; Matthew 27:38; Luke 22:37); the piercing of his hands and feet on the cross (Psalm 22:16; John 20:25); the soldiers gambling for his clothes (Psalm 22:18; Matthew 27:35); the piercing of his side (Zechariah 12:10; John 19:34); the fact that his bones were not broken at his death (Psalm 34:20; John 19:33–37); and his burial among the rich (Isaiah 53:9; Matthew 27:57–60). In other words, while people cannot control their birth place, their bloodline, or the choices other people make, Jesus still fulfilled what was prophesied about him.
The Quran on the other hand cannot say the same, as predictive prophesies of this magnitude are completely absent. Instead, the Quran only contains a small amount of self-fulfilling prophesies such as Muhammad’s prediction that he would return to Mecca (Sura 48:27). Or, Muhammad’s prediction that the Romans would defeat the Persians at Issus (Sura 30:2–4). A prophecy that was fulfilled not in the distant future and thus could have been easily guessed based on the current military conditions.
Secondly, the Quran is also packed with faulty morals that completely separate the Quran from the Bible. This can be seen when it comes to the equality of women. For example, in Sura 4:3 Muhammad supposedly received a revelation from God allowing men to “marry women of your choice, two, three, or four.” Yet, while other men were only permitted to marry up to four wives, Allah made an exception for Muhammad for his marriage to at least twelve women. This included Aishah, whom he married at only eleven years old (Life of Muhammad by Muhammad Husayn Haykal). Another example of these faulty morals, is found in Sura 4:34, where the Quran makes is acceptable for men to “beat” their wives lightly in order that they might “return to obedience”.
There is also no comparison in between Muhammad and Jesus. While the Quran extorts Muhammad to ask for “forgiveness for thy fault” (Sura 40:55), Jesus was known to be perfect in regard to every aspect of his life, including his treatment of women. That is why Jesus was able to rightly ask: “Can any of you prove me guilty of sin?” (John 8:46; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 John 3:5).
Lastly, the Quran contains various factual errors. A great example of these factual errors is the denial of Christ’s crucifixion. This is found in Sura 4:157 (“They killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them … for of a surety they killed him not”). However, the fatal suffering of Jesus Christ as taught in the New Testament is one of the most well-established facts of ancient history. Archaeological findings corroborate the Bible’s description of Roman crucifixion and authenticate the biblical details surrounding the trail that led to the death Jesus Christ. These findings including the Pilate Stone and the burial grounds of Caiaphas, the high priest who presided over the religious trials of Christ. It is also important to note that both Christian and Secular scholars alike agree that Jesus died on a Roman cross.
Hope this help out. Be blessed.
Curtis Green: That's a lot of info. Just what I need. I've been debating with my best friend who is Muslim. I usually try to find common ground with him. But now I see we have the winning points. Thanks.
BRC Hosts Joey and Chris: Hey Curtis. Yes, the Bible is definitely divine in origin, and the Quran cannot say the same. However, gentleness and respect will go a long way when debating your friend. Keep us posted if you need anymore info. God bless you.
Curtis Green: God bless you guys.
Sarah Collins: Never knew Muhammad married an 11 year old. Very insightful! Which is older though? The Quran or the Bible?
BRC Hosts Joey and Chris: Hey Sarah, the Quran was written 400-600 years after the Bible. After reading it, it seem like Muhammad wrote the Quran, on the simple basis that he simply did not like what was written in the Bible.
Sarah Collins: Thanks. God bless.
1 John 3:5
"But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin."
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