Is reincarnation an acceptable teaching according to the Bible?

Lydia Torres asks: God bless. I didn't have a chance to ask my question in the debate you had in our college. Is reincarnation an acceptable teaching according to the Bible? Does Jesus not suggest himself that Elijah reincarnated into John the Baptist in Matthew 11:14? Can reincarnation and resurrection go hand in hand?
Hi Lydia,
Thanks for the question. Apologies for the time constraints in our debates. Those time limits are not set by us.
First, Matthew 11:14 does not say that Elijah reincarnated into John the Baptist anywhere. It says that John the Baptist is the Elijah who was to come. In proper context, Elijah is not said to be the reincarnation of John, but rather, that John would serve in a similar prophetic role as Elijah. This notion of reincarnation is easily dismissed in John 1:21, as the priests asked John if he was Elijah, he replied, "I am not."
Secondly, while the teaching of reincarnation is completely missing from Scripture, the notion is also completely dismissed, as Hebrews 9:27, states that "people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment".
Lastly, the Resurrection that is taught in the Gospels completely excludes reincarnation as a possibility. The argument of reincarnation (rebirth in another body) actually gets nullified by the Resurrection of the Dead, as Paul makes clear that the body that dies, is the very body that raises (1 Corinthians 15:42:44).
Hope this helps to clear the issue. God bless.
Lydia Torres: My dad is Buddhist and my mom Agnostic. I've been visiting a Christian church with a friend, but very new to all this. My parents were telling me that all religions lead to the same place, and that they all believe in reincarnation. Thanks for the clarification. Hopefully I can reach them little by little.
BRC Hosts Joey and Chris: Hey Lydia, definitely a tough situation. Learn as much as you can, and be patient with your parents. Any other questions you may have, feel free to reach out. We are just an email away.
Ethan Morris: Nice, great answer. God bless and keep on doing what you guys do.
BRC Hosts Joey and Chris: Thanks Ethan, God bless.
Lydia Torres: Will do. God bless.
BRC Hosts Joey and Chris: God bless you as well Lydia. We will keep you in prayers.
Lydia Torres: Thanks :)
Hebrews 9:27
"people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment".
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