Is Leviathan a reference to dinosaurs in Job?
Nelson Garcia asks: Hello. Is Leviathan a reference to dinosaurs in Job? I was trying to explain this to my wife, but she says that they are mythological, and that she wasn't sure why they are mentioned in the Bible.
God bless Nelson,
According to archeologists, the word Leviathan was first found in the Ugarit writings of the ancient near easterns. It is an archeological finding, that the book of Job was written using a polemic style (a counter to a point of view sustained through literature). While the ancient near eastern pagans were loaded with mythological stories in the Ugaritic writings, the use of the word Leviathan in the Bible served as the countering fatal blow to their text.
In other words, while the Ugarit writings teach that the god Baal destroys “the writhing serpent, encircler-with-seven-heads” (Ugarit text), the Bible points to the reality that it is actually Yahweh, who "crushed the heads of Leviathan" (Psalm 74:14).
Secondly, it is important to understand the progression of the story in Job (40,41). After Job questions God, Yahweh asks Job if he would like to try his hand at running the universe for a while: “Who fathers the drops of dew?” “Who can tip over the water jars of the heavens?” “Do you give the horse his strength?” “Does the eagle soar at your command?” Consider Behemoth, who “ranks first among the works of God” or the sea dragon—“Can you pull in the leviathan with a fishhook?”
The story progresses from creation, to creatures, to the cherub who once ranked first in the order of creation. In Jobs mind, the Leviathan and Behemoth were creatures that couldn't be tamed, but to Yahweh, they were nothing more than pets on a divine leash. As the Bible story progresses, the monster is ultimately defeated. In Isaiah's words, “Leviathan the gliding serpent, Leviathan the coiling serpent; [God] will slay the monster of the sea” (Isaiah 27:1).
Last but not least, by allowing scripture to interpret scripture, the personification of Satan, becomes apparent. In Genesis, he is presented as the snake who tempted humanity to fall into a perpetual curse of sin. In Psalms, he is presented as the multi-headed monster who God crushes. In Isaiah, he is presented as the coiling serpent, who opposes God. In Revelation, he is presented as the dragon, the epitome of evil.
Therefore, your wife is on the right track. Rather than dinosaurs, what we have is personifications that point to realities. These realities not only corrected the understanding of the pagan myths of the near eastern ancient people, but also points to the truth that God will be victorious over Satan. Hope this help.
"I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years."
(Revelation 20:1–2)
Nelson Garcia: WOW! I have never heard that before. Guess she studies more than me lol.
BRC Hosts Joey and Chris: Archeology has a way of making the biblical stories come alive in understanding. But, don't take our word for it. Ugarit writings are largely available online, read them and fact check us.
Edwin Rodriguez: Hey I went to Mizpa with you guys in Haines City. Our teacher there held that view of dinosaurs. How do you get to something so different in interpretation?
BRC Hosts Joey and Chris: Hey Edwin good to hear from you. While our teacher held that view, that doesn't mean the Church as a whole carries the same. Archaeological findings will always be more authoritative than the interpretation of a person. We emailed you a copy of the Ugarit Writings. You can read it, and see for yourself.
Nelson Garcia: Yes, that was what my wife was sort of alluding to. I just didn't believe her, cause in my Bible study class we were told that people don't study properly sometimes, and that's why they miss things like dinosaurs.
BRC Hosts Joey and Chris: That happens often brother. You are doing a good job in questioning and fact checking.
Nelson Garcia: Thank you guys so much, you have sparked my interest in reading the Bible and looking at archeology. God bless you all and please continue these questions and answers. You are a blessing.
BRC Hosts Joey and Chris: Thanks for those words. God bless Nelson.
Nelson Garcia: Likewise!
Edwin Rodriguez: Just read through it, wow, it's crazy how archeological findings give so much insight. Thanks for the pdf. Good talking to you guys again. Stay blessed.
BRC Hosts Joey and Chris: God bless Edwin. Thanks for reading.
Anthony Mendez: So do you guys believe that the Bible implemented ideas from other religions?
BRC Hosts Joey and Chris: Hi Anthony, on the contrary. We know through the Bible, that many of the Hebrews gave themselves to the beliefs of the Canaanites false gods. Also the Bible is 100% clear that their is only one God. Therefore, they didn't implement ideas of other religions, but rather used their faulty ideas of false gods to point them to the reality of the one true God that triumphs over all.
Anthony Mendez: Good point, thanks!

Isaiah 27:1
"In that day, the LORD will punish with his sword— his fierce, great and powerful sword— Leviathan the gliding serpent, Leviathan the coiling serpent; he will slay the monster of the sea."
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